12 January 2021

BPR Lestari Launched The “Hujan Emas 2021” Draws, Customers Can Get Gold Prizes Everyday

BPR Lestari Launched The “Hujan Emas 2021” Draws, Customers Can Get Gold Prizes Everyday

New surprises are presented by BPR Lestari Bali in 2021, after last year's Hujan Emas was launched every week, this year it will be even more exciting because customers can have the opportunity to win gold prizes every day.


"This year we will distribute gold every working day during 2021, the first draw will be held in early February 2021, anyone can win it," said Made Tutik Sri Andayani, Business Director of BPR Lestari Bali when met at the head office of BPR Lestari Bali in Teuku Umar, Denpasar.


In the drawing, a coupon owned by the customer will be drawn. The more balances, the more e-channel transactions (virtual accounts, books transfer, QR transfers and QR merchants), the more referral to relatives to open accounts, the more points will be collected. Even customers who have just opened an account also get points.

Therefore, the greater the chance to win gold prizes every day. "Each customer can win gold as many times as possible, no limitation. We hope that customers can collect as many points as possible, who knows, they can be a winner for multiple times," added Tutik.


Hujan Emas Draws is one of BPR Lestari Bali's efforts to increase customer transactions using e-channels. “I shall add, don't forget, before transferring funds, ask the Lestari account number of your counterpart. So that you can get the coupons and those who receive the transfers can also get the coupons. I hope that you are our next winner,” concluded Tutik.


BPR Lestari Launched The “Hujan Emas 2021” Draws, Customers Can Get Gold Prizes Everyday

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BPR Lestari Launched The “Hujan Emas 2021” Draws, Customers Can Get Gold Prizes Everyday

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