17 February 2022

BPR Lestari is increasingly Digital – Establishing Cooperation with “Komunal DepositoBPR”

BPR Lestari is increasingly Digital – Establishing Cooperation with “Komunal DepositoBPR”

Speeding up to align itself with the rapid development of technology, BPR Lestari once again establishes cooperation with fintech players, this time with Komunal. The signing of the cooperation took place on Friday (11/2) at the Head Office of BPR Lestari, Jalan Teuku Umar Denpasar.


The signing ceremony was attended offline by the Co-Founder & the COO of Komunal Indonesia, Rico Tedyono and the Managing Director of BPR Lestari Bali, Pribadi Budiono. The event was also attended online by the CEO & the Founder of Lestari Capital (Lestari Group Holding Company), Alex Purnadi Chandra and the Co-Founder & the CEO of Komunal Indonesia, Hendry Lieviant.


“Our digital vision is that we wish to be a kind of 'hub', so that fintech friends can be connected one by one. This is part of our journey; we collaborate with various partners in fintech. So hopefully we can become the hub and can continue to have new innovations. Yes, the important thing is that the vision and mission are in line, right?”, said Alex Purnadi Chandra during his speech via zoom.


This collaboration in the form of deposit allows BPR or smallholder credit banks to reach a wider area through online fund placement, as well as people who now have the latest option to save their funds.


“I've been reading the profiles of Mr. Alex and BPR Lestari since high school and I’m very impressed, and we are proud to be able to collaborate with BPR Lestari. This BPR has many advantages; it would be a shame if its few shortcomings, especially in the digital world, make BPR lost the competition. We need to pack up the old ways better, sharpen it with technology so that BPR is ready to compete”, said Hendry Lieviant, the Co-Founder & the CEO of Komunal.


As of December 2021, more than 92% of customers have made their transactions through BPR Lestari’s mobile banking, LestariMobile. This figure shows that the changes in customer behaviour are increasingly going digital and practical. This opportunity has spurred BPR Lestari to further work on the digital market, one of which is through collaboration with Komunal.


Komunal is a financial technology company that has been around since 2018 with the mission of #GrowWithCommunity. It has collaborated with more than 70 smallholder credit banks/BPRs in Java and Bali, ushering Komunal into one of the funding agents for the placement of Online Deposits.


“Thanks for coming to the BPR Lestari office. Hopefully, this will be the start of a long-term collaboration”, closed Alex.


BPR Lestari is increasingly Digital – Establishing Cooperation with “Komunal DepositoBPR”

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BPR Lestari is increasingly Digital – Establishing Cooperation with “Komunal DepositoBPR”

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BPR Lestari is increasingly Digital – Establishing Cooperation with “Komunal DepositoBPR”

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