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Fully support the improvement of social welfare activity of Denpasar City, BPR Lestari through Lestari Peduli program, provided assistance in the form of 15 units of wheelchair for elderly and disabled, on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022.
Located in Office of Denpasar Mayor, the handover of this wheelchair assistance was carried out by I Made Wenten B. as the Director of PT BPR Lestari Bali and warmly welcomed by Denpasar Mayor, IGN Jaya Negara. This handover event was also accompanied by the Leader of PKK Driving Team of Denpasar City which also the Chief Coordinator of Social Welfare Activity of Denpasar City (KKKS of Denpasar City) Mrs. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara.
This assistance is a manifestation of BPR Lestari mission #MakeAnImpact in its effort to bring positive impact on people’s lives. This wheelchair assistance eventually will be distributed to elderly and disabled through Coordinator of Social Welfare Activity of Denpasar City. Mrs. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara hopes this program did not stop here and eventually there continuation of these programs to make the public welfare in Denpasar City is getting better,” she said. Similar to that, Mayor of Denpasar City, IGN Jaya Negara also expressed his appreciation for the assistance given by BPR Lestari.
“Thank you for the wheelchair assistance that was given by BPR Lestari. Hopefully this can give benefits to many people,” said IGN Jaya Negara.
I Made Wenten B. hopes, this handover of wheelchair assistance can provide positive benefits to those in need, especially the elderly and disabled in Denpasar City,” closed I Made Wenten B.
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