23 December 2019

#LestariBerbagi at the end of 2019, BPR Lestari Distributes 500 Food Packages to Clean Fighters

#LestariBerbagi at the end of 2019, BPR Lestari Distributes 500 Food Packages to Clean Fighters

Many ways to thank those who have contributed and worked hard for the cleanliness of the environment around us, one of which was carried out by BPR Lestari Bali at the end of 2019 was the "Food Brigades" #LestariBerbagi action held today (20/12). Since 6 A.M some BPR Lestari staff and management appeared to be busy hunting for cleaners (DKP officers) to distribute food packages. The target of this program is the janitor who sweeps the streets and city parks every morning and transports garbage from people's homes to landfills rubbish. 


When met by Luh Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali revealed that 500 food packages were distributed in this action. "All of our food packages are distributed to several points where cleaners work every morning," Ayu said. 


#LestariBerbagi is one of the programs of the #MakeanImpact BPR Lestari Bali mission. "This action is the goal because we want to thank these cleanliness fighters, thanks to the hard work of them, our environmental impact is maintained," said Luh Ketut Citarasmini, Compliance Director of BPR Lestari Bali, who took part in the action.


Made Jaya, a cleaning fighter who was one of the "victims" in this action, admitted that she was shocked when she was suddenly visited by people dressed in tosca and orange. "I was surprised to have been visited by so many people in the morning, let alone given this gift. Yes, I thank BPR Lestari Bali for caring about us. I can enjoy the gift with family, "Made Jaya said when receiving the gift. 


The "Food Brigades" #LestariBerbagi started in 2005. "We held this program regularly at the end of the year and have been running consistently for 14 years. Hopefully, this action can continue to be carried out in the coming years and hopefully it will be beneficial for the recipients, "concluded Cita.



#LestariBerbagi at the end of 2019, BPR Lestari Distributes 500 Food Packages to Clean Fighters

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#LestariBerbagi at the end of 2019, BPR Lestari Distributes 500 Food Packages to Clean Fighters

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#LestariBerbagi at the end of 2019, BPR Lestari Distributes 500 Food Packages to Clean Fighters

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