06 August 2021

In Collaboration With salingbantuyuk.com, Lestarian Supports for Self-Quarantine Supplies

In Collaboration With salingbantuyuk.com, Lestarian Supports for Self-Quarantine Supplies

Salingbantuyuk.com is a pioneer platform for social service that helps people who are in need of self –quarantine supplies.

IDR 25 Million distributed from Lestarian to Salingbantuyuk.com. The donation was distributed symbolically on Monday (08/02) at BPR Lestari Head Quarter Office, Teuku Umar.


“Lestarian would like to help. We hope that this donation distributed properly to anyone in need of self-quarantine and to fight Covid-19”, told Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali.

Many of our friends found difficulties when it comes to fulfill their supply needs while doing the self-quarantine, such as daily needs for foods supply, medicines, to medical consultation. The mission of salingbantuyuk.com itself is that anyone who are required to do self-quarantine could do it properly and no need to be worry about anything excepts their health condition. Some people with suspected Covid-19, still worry about working because they only paid for daily basis. Once they required to do self-quarantine, it makes them worry to fulfill their needs. Also their family needs.


“The more people know about this platform, the more people will get help from salingbantuyuk.com.” told Rio Christian, the Initiator of Salingbantuyuk.com. The platform will update the information about the donor and the receiver and anything about the donation on their website, periodically.

“We hope that our mission #MakeAnImpact can really “make an impact” for people out there.” Ayu added the statement. “We would like to thank Lestarian for the support. We will distribute the donation properly” Rio closed the statement.


For others, that willing to help and join the donation or even own such information about anyone who needs help for self-quarantine supplies, please kindly register yourself in salingbantuyuk.com.


In Collaboration With salingbantuyuk.com, Lestarian Supports for Self-Quarantine Supplies

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In Collaboration With salingbantuyuk.com, Lestarian Supports for Self-Quarantine Supplies

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In Collaboration With salingbantuyuk.com, Lestarian Supports for Self-Quarantine Supplies

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