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Cultivating the creativity in business and entrepreneurship, Lestari Generation Community (Gen-L) that consists of the college students, the recipients of Lestari scholarship, provide flower arrangement training to the children in Bina Eklasia Orphanage, Panjer, Denpasar City. This event that entitled Gen-L Be Creative x Gen-L Berbagi was held in Saturday, June 11th, 2022.
This activity was attended by around twenty children and was opened with a briefing on entrepreneurship knowledge and basic steps to arrange flower. After the briefing session ended, then the children were divided into several groups and given assignment to practice knowledge that they have got.
This flower arrangement was guided by one of the members of Lestari Generation Community, Ari Maharani, who previously has experienced on flower arrangement field. After successfully making their own flower arrangement, the children in this orphanage were also given basic training to do promotion in media social.
The results of the flower arrangement that made by the children of Bina Eklasia Orphanage were sold for Rp 35.000 per series. So far, 17 flower arrangements have been sold. The results of this flower arrangement were also fully given to the orphanage to fulfill their daily needs.
Not only entrepreneurship training, this activity is also filled with counseling related to clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS), counseling related to the importance of balanced nutrition, fun games, and other entertainment activities that also filled by the members of Lestari Generation Community.
Training and counseling activities for children in orphanage is the annual agenda of Lestari Generation Community which help to create #MakeAnImpact program from BPR Lestari Bali. Through this program, BPR Lestari will continue to strive to give positive impact to the surrounding society, especially to the children and younger generations.
Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of BPR Lestari Bali hope, this activity can be a room for the children of orphanage to develop and learn about entrepreneurship and business since early age so that later they can live independently.
“We hope, through this activity the children do not only learn about business and entrepreneurship, but also can help them to obtain additional income. We also hope, this activity can be a precious lesson to the Lestari Generation to continue to increase their sensitivity and concern to society and surrounding environment,” closed Made Tutik.
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